Avios Calculator

Explore this simple tool designed to calculate Avios accrual based on fare calculation lines. Obtain these lines from sources such as ITA Matrix or Finnair's eticket. While this tool is a work in progress, it provides a starting point for estimating Avios earned on your flights.

Parsing the submitted input may fail sometimes. Please report such cases!

Enter fare calculation

Do not enter PNR codes, ticket numbers, names or other sensitive data!

Build ticket manually

Sometimes manual creation is required

Fare calculation from ITA Matrix

Search flights, press "Copy itinerary as JSON" and paste it in the field above.

Copy itinerary as JSON from ITA Matrix site

Fare calculation from AY ticket

Copy the Fare Calculation line from your Finnair Eticket Receipt email and paste it in the field above.

Finnair ticket details from email

In this example:

HEL AY SIN862.15AY HEL663.04NUC1525.19END ROE1.004460